"""Implementation of the intermediary layer between Shapely and GEOS This is layer number 2 from the list below. 1) geometric objects: the Python OO API. 2) implementation map: an abstraction that permits different backends. 3) backend: callable objects that take Shapely geometric objects as arguments and, with GEOS as a backend, translate them to C data structures. 4) GEOS library: algorithms implemented in C++. Shapely 1.2 includes a GEOS backend and it is the default. """ from functools import wraps from shapely.algorithms import cga from shapely.coords import BoundsOp from shapely.geos import lgeos from shapely.linref import ProjectOp, InterpolateOp from shapely.predicates import BinaryPredicate, UnaryPredicate from shapely.topology import BinaryRealProperty, BinaryTopologicalOp from shapely.topology import UnaryRealProperty, UnaryTopologicalOp class ImplementationError( AttributeError, KeyError, NotImplementedError): """To be raised when the registered implementation does not support the requested method.""" def delegated(func): """A delegated method raises AttributeError in the absence of backend support.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except KeyError: raise ImplementationError( "Method '%s' not provided by registered " "implementation '%s'" % (func.__name__, args[0].impl)) return wrapper # Map geometry methods to their GEOS delegates class BaseImpl(object): """Base class for registrable implementations.""" def __init__(self, values): self.map = dict(values) def update(self, values): self.map.update(values) def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.map[key] except KeyError: raise ImplementationError( "Method '%s' not provided by registered " "implementation '%s'" % (key, self.map)) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.map class GEOSImpl(BaseImpl): """GEOS implementation""" def __repr__(self): return '' % ( lgeos.geos_capi_version,) IMPL300 = { 'area': (UnaryRealProperty, 'area'), 'distance': (BinaryRealProperty, 'distance'), 'length': (UnaryRealProperty, 'length'), # 'boundary': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'boundary'), 'bounds': (BoundsOp, None), 'centroid': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'centroid'), 'representative_point': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'representative_point'), 'envelope': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'envelope'), 'convex_hull': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'convex_hull'), 'buffer': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'buffer'), # 'difference': (BinaryTopologicalOp, 'difference'), 'intersection': (BinaryTopologicalOp, 'intersection'), 'symmetric_difference': (BinaryTopologicalOp, 'symmetric_difference'), 'union': (BinaryTopologicalOp, 'union'), # 'has_z': (UnaryPredicate, 'has_z'), 'is_empty': (UnaryPredicate, 'is_empty'), 'is_ring': (UnaryPredicate, 'is_ring'), 'is_simple': (UnaryPredicate, 'is_simple'), 'is_valid': (UnaryPredicate, 'is_valid'), # 'relate': (BinaryPredicate, 'relate'), 'contains': (BinaryPredicate, 'contains'), 'crosses': (BinaryPredicate, 'crosses'), 'disjoint': (BinaryPredicate, 'disjoint'), 'equals': (BinaryPredicate, 'equals'), 'intersects': (BinaryPredicate, 'intersects'), 'overlaps': (BinaryPredicate, 'overlaps'), 'touches': (BinaryPredicate, 'touches'), 'within': (BinaryPredicate, 'within'), 'covers': (BinaryPredicate, 'covers'), 'equals_exact': (BinaryPredicate, 'equals_exact'), 'relate_pattern': (BinaryPredicate, 'relate_pattern'), # First pure Python implementation 'is_ccw': (cga.is_ccw_impl, 'is_ccw'), } IMPL310 = { 'simplify': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'simplify'), 'topology_preserve_simplify': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'topology_preserve_simplify'), 'prepared_disjoint': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_disjoint'), 'prepared_touches': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_touches'), 'prepared_crosses': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_crosses'), 'prepared_within': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_within'), 'prepared_overlaps': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_overlaps'), 'prepared_intersects': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_intersects'), 'prepared_contains': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_contains'), 'prepared_contains_properly': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_contains_properly'), 'prepared_covers': (BinaryPredicate, 'prepared_covers'), } IMPL311 = { } IMPL320 = { 'parallel_offset': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'parallel_offset'), 'project_normalized': (ProjectOp, 'project_normalized'), 'project': (ProjectOp, 'project'), 'interpolate_normalized': (InterpolateOp, 'interpolate_normalized'), 'interpolate': (InterpolateOp, 'interpolate'), 'buffer_with_style': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'buffer_with_style'), 'hausdorff_distance': (BinaryRealProperty, 'hausdorff_distance'), } IMPL330 = { 'is_closed': (UnaryPredicate, 'is_closed'), 'buffer_with_params': (UnaryTopologicalOp, 'buffer_with_params'), } IMPL360 = { 'minimum_clearance': (UnaryRealProperty, 'minimum_clearance') } def impl_items(defs): return [(k, v[0](v[1])) for k, v in list(defs.items())] imp = GEOSImpl(dict(impl_items(IMPL300))) if lgeos.geos_version >= (3, 1, 0): imp.update(impl_items(IMPL310)) if lgeos.geos_version >= (3, 1, 1): imp.update(impl_items(IMPL311)) if lgeos.geos_version >= (3, 2, 0): imp.update(impl_items(IMPL320)) if lgeos.geos_version >= (3, 3, 0): imp.update(impl_items(IMPL330)) if lgeos.geos_version >= (3, 6, 0): imp.update(impl_items(IMPL360)) DefaultImplementation = imp