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202 lines
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import numpy as np
from ..io.manage_plugins import call_plugin
from ..color.colorconv import rgb2gray, rgba2rgb
from .util import file_or_url_context
from ..exposure import is_low_contrast
from .._shared.utils import warn
__all__ = ['imread', 'imsave', 'imshow', 'show',
'imread_collection', 'imshow_collection']
def imread(fname, as_gray=False, plugin=None, **plugin_args):
"""Load an image from file.
fname : string
Image file name, e.g. ``test.jpg`` or URL.
as_gray : bool, optional
If True, convert color images to gray-scale (64-bit floats).
Images that are already in gray-scale format are not converted.
plugin : str, optional
Name of plugin to use. By default, the different plugins are
tried (starting with imageio) until a suitable
candidate is found. If not given and fname is a tiff file, the
tifffile plugin will be used.
Other Parameters
plugin_args : keywords
Passed to the given plugin.
img_array : ndarray
The different color bands/channels are stored in the
third dimension, such that a gray-image is MxN, an
RGB-image MxNx3 and an RGBA-image MxNx4.
if plugin is None and hasattr(fname, 'lower'):
if fname.lower().endswith(('.tiff', '.tif')):
plugin = 'tifffile'
with file_or_url_context(fname) as fname:
img = call_plugin('imread', fname, plugin=plugin, **plugin_args)
if not hasattr(img, 'ndim'):
return img
if img.ndim > 2:
if img.shape[-1] not in (3, 4) and img.shape[-3] in (3, 4):
img = np.swapaxes(img, -1, -3)
img = np.swapaxes(img, -2, -3)
if as_gray:
if img.shape[2] == 4:
img = rgba2rgb(img)
img = rgb2gray(img)
return img
def imread_collection(load_pattern, conserve_memory=True,
plugin=None, **plugin_args):
Load a collection of images.
load_pattern : str or list
List of objects to load. These are usually filenames, but may
vary depending on the currently active plugin. See the docstring
for ``ImageCollection`` for the default behaviour of this parameter.
conserve_memory : bool, optional
If True, never keep more than one in memory at a specific
time. Otherwise, images will be cached once they are loaded.
ic : ImageCollection
Collection of images.
Other Parameters
plugin_args : keywords
Passed to the given plugin.
return call_plugin('imread_collection', load_pattern, conserve_memory,
plugin=plugin, **plugin_args)
def imsave(fname, arr, plugin=None, check_contrast=True, **plugin_args):
"""Save an image to file.
fname : str
Target filename.
arr : ndarray of shape (M,N) or (M,N,3) or (M,N,4)
Image data.
plugin : str, optional
Name of plugin to use. By default, the different plugins are
tried (starting with imageio) until a suitable
candidate is found. If not given and fname is a tiff file, the
tifffile plugin will be used.
check_contrast : bool, optional
Check for low contrast and print warning (default: True).
Other Parameters
plugin_args : keywords
Passed to the given plugin.
When saving a JPEG, the compression ratio may be controlled using the
``quality`` keyword argument which is an integer with values in [1, 100]
where 1 is worst quality and smallest file size, and 100 is best quality
and largest file size (default 75). This is only available when using
the PIL and imageio plugins.
if plugin is None and hasattr(fname, 'lower'):
if fname.lower().endswith(('.tiff', '.tif')):
plugin = 'tifffile'
if arr.dtype == bool:
warn('%s is a boolean image: setting True to 255 and False to 0. '
'To silence this warning, please convert the image using '
'img_as_ubyte.' % fname, stacklevel=2)
arr = arr.astype('uint8') * 255
if check_contrast and is_low_contrast(arr):
warn('%s is a low contrast image' % fname)
return call_plugin('imsave', fname, arr, plugin=plugin, **plugin_args)
def imshow(arr, plugin=None, **plugin_args):
"""Display an image.
arr : ndarray or str
Image data or name of image file.
plugin : str
Name of plugin to use. By default, the different plugins are
tried (starting with imageio) until a suitable
candidate is found.
Other Parameters
plugin_args : keywords
Passed to the given plugin.
if isinstance(arr, str):
arr = call_plugin('imread', arr, plugin=plugin)
return call_plugin('imshow', arr, plugin=plugin, **plugin_args)
def imshow_collection(ic, plugin=None, **plugin_args):
"""Display a collection of images.
ic : ImageCollection
Collection to display.
plugin : str
Name of plugin to use. By default, the different plugins are
tried until a suitable candidate is found.
Other Parameters
plugin_args : keywords
Passed to the given plugin.
return call_plugin('imshow_collection', ic, plugin=plugin, **plugin_args)
def show():
'''Display pending images.
Launch the event loop of the current gui plugin, and display all
pending images, queued via `imshow`. This is required when using
`imshow` from non-interactive scripts.
A call to `show` will block execution of code until all windows
have been closed.
>>> import skimage.io as io
>>> for i in range(4):
... ax_im = io.imshow(np.random.rand(50, 50))
>>> io.show() # doctest: +SKIP
return call_plugin('_app_show')